About Caravan Camper Shells
Sixty five years ago, a Reno man embarked on an idea he had to produce the finest, most durable truck tops available, crafted from steel by the hands of a blacksmith.
Wally Rusk’s idea gave birth to a Reno business called Caravan Camper Tops Manufacturing Company, a hard-working shop on Dickerson Road that rapidly earned a reputation for producing the finest tops one’s money could buy.
Today, our reputation continues, and Caravan Tops Manufacturing Company proudly celebrates six and a half decades of success, and continues to make the finest steel truck tops available, still crafted in uncompromising quality and still produced one-at-a-time by the hands of blacksmiths, as their founder intended.
Through the years, our tops have grown in popularity by hunters, fishermen, campers, prospectors, contractors, governmental agencies and by professionals in just about every walk of life, in Nevada and throughout the United States.
Caravan Tops wishes to express our deepest, heartfelt thanks to our community and to our clients for sixty five years of excellence.